
(singke) #1

Session 2: Paying Your Dues

Learning the Blues Notes

Using the information from the previous pages, fill in the blues notes of the flatted 3rd, flatted 5th, and flatted
7th in every key. Some of the notes are filled in to help you. The answers are shown on page 108.

Do not give the enharmonic equivalent of the note. For example, the flatted 5th in C would be a Gb, since
the G is the 5th. Even though an F# would technically be the same pitch, an F# would be considered a
sharped 4th since F is the 4th of C.

Also, use double flats as needed. For example, a flatted 5th in Ab would be Ebb (or E “double flat”). Since Eb
is the unaltered 5th in Ab, if we flatted an Eb it would become a Ebb.


Key of C ___ _Gb _____

(Keys with Flats)
Key of F _Ab __

Key of Bb ___ _Fb _____

Key of Eb _Db__

Key of Ab _ Ebb _

Key of Db _Fb __

Key of Gb _ Dbb _

(Keys with Sharps)
Key of G _Bb __

Key of D _ Ab _

Key of A G

Key of E ___ _Bb _____

Key of B _D __

Key of F# C

Blues Guitar with Steve Krenz 25

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