
(singke) #1

Session 2 : Paying Your Dues

Half-Step Bend Lick #1

This simple lick starts on the 5th of the chord goes to the 6th then bends up to the flatted 7th. This pattern
can be applied to all of the chords, (I-IV-V) in the blues.



Variations of any lick can be made by transposing it to different places or different octaves on the neck. Playing
the lick in different places on the guitar creates a lot of variation in your playing while still remaining the same
finger pattern to you as the player.

Here is Half-Step Bend Lick #1 transposed up an octave and played in the 12th position on the 1st string.

Here is the same lick back in the original octave but played in the 7th position on the 3rd string.

And here it is again transposed down an octave and played in the 2nd position on the 4th string.

Blues Guitar with Steve Krenz 27

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