Barron's - USA (2021-03-01)

(Antfer) #1
March1,2021 BARRON’S 33


Total household net worth increased by roughly

$14 trillion from the end of 2019, with further

stimulus likely to ramp up the savings.

Why the Savings Boom

Won’t Boost Spending

As Much as You’d Think


taying home and getting

checks from the govern-

ment has done wonders

for the average Ameri-

can’s balance sheet.

Since the pandemic

began, the combination

of lower consumer spending on ser-

vices and $1.2 trillion of government

income support has helped consumers

save about $1.8 trillion more than they

otherwise would have as of January.

At the same time, stocks and houses

have soared in value, with the net effect

that total household net worth has

increased by roughly $14 trillion from

the end of 2019. The $1.9 trillion Amer-

ican Rescue Plan Act, which lawmak-

ers are still negotiating, would boost

incomes and savings even more.

Some economists fear that all this

spare cash could lead to overheating

once widespread vaccinations restore

prepandemic normalcy, with too

much money fueling a surge in de-

mand for scarce goods and services—

but that’s not a likely outcome. A close

look at where the money has actually

gone implies that the excess savings

will probably finance a modest post-

pandemic consumption boomlet

rather than an inflationary binge.

The two key points to remember:

First, savings in bank accounts are

much more likely to get spent than

paper gains on illiquid assets such as

housing and real estate; second, people

with the highest incomes are less likely

to spend one-off windfalls than people

lower down the spectrum.

The most detailed data we have

comes from the Federal Reserve’s Dis-

tributional Financial Accounts, which

tracksthe assets and liabilities of dif-

ferent groups of households over time.

From the end of 2019 through the end

of the third quarter of 2020—the lat-

est period available—total household

net worth rose by $5.2 trillion, with

$2.3 trillion of that increase coming

from a surge in bank deposits, money-

market fund shares, and other liquid

assets such as cash accounts at bro-

kerages. That’s money that can be

spent right away. About $1.2 trillion in

net worth can be explained by higher

stock prices, while surging home eq-

uity added $1 trillion. Americans’

spending on cars, furniture, electron-

ics, appliances and other durable

goods also contributed about $300

billion to higher household net worth.

While the Fed’s data end in Sep-

tember 2020, the U.S. stock market

has gained about 20% since then,

boosting total household net worth by

an additional $7 trillion or so. House

prices are also up about 5%, adding

about $1 trillion to owners’ equity.

And the total amount of deposits in

the banking system has grown by al-

most $700 billion, although some of

that may reflect additional liquidity

for businesses rather than for con-

sumers. Credit card debt has dropped

more than $100 billion.

So who actually has more cash to

spend? According to the Fed, about

28% of the increase in liquid assets

from the end of 2019 through the end

of September went to Americans in

the top 1% of the income distribution.

Fully 70% of the extra cash went to

Americans in the top quintile, with

only 14% of the extra cash—just $330

billion out of $2.3 trillion—held by

Americans in the bottom 60% of the

income distribution.

It’s likely that the distribution of

liquid assets has become even more

skewed since the Fed collected its

data—leaving even less spare cash for

the vast majority of Americans. As

government income support was

withdrawn over the summer, many

Americans were forced to dip into the

savings they had accumulated earlier

in the year to sustain their spending.

Economists at the JPMorgan Chase

Institute found that the typical Ameri-

can in the bottom quartile of the in-

come distribution has liquidated al-

most a third of the money in his or her

checking account since September. In

fact, most Americans outside the top

of the distribution had less money in

their checking accounts at the end of

last year than they did at the end of

the third quarter.

Stock market ownership is ex-

tremely concentrated, so most of the

gains have accrued to people who al-

ready have plenty of cash to cover

their spending needs. While the gains

from higher home prices have been

more evenly spread, they also aren’t

likely to boost consumer spending

that much. Economists have histori-

cally found that consumers spend

about 5% of any home-equity gains,

but this “wealth effect” was closer to

zero in the years leading up to the

pandemic, thanks in part to the tight-

ening of mortgage credit standards

after the financial crisis.

The only wealth category that has

grown more rapidly for lower- and

middle-income Americans than for

those higher up the spectrum is dura-

ble goods. But that simply reflects

their contribution to the consumption

recovery rather than an improvement

in their financial position that could

support future spending.

Joseph Briggs and David Mericle of

Goldman Sachs therefore estimate

that, even if the total amount of “ex-

cess savings” grows by half between

now and mid-2021 because of addi-

tional government income support,

only about 18% of that money would

get spent on goods and services once

the economy fully reopens. The rest

would likely be used by high earners

to invest in stocks or housing, and by

lower- and middle-income Americans

to build up needed cash buffers.

As a result, all the cash on the side-

lines—even after assuming the next

$1.9 trillion spending bill distributes

$1,400 checks to most Americans—

will probably only contribute about 2

percentage points to GDP growth next

year. That would be a helpful nudge

for the recovery, but not much more

than that.B

Contributions to changes in net worth 2019 Q4-2020 Q3, by income class

Uneven Gains


to people at the top of the income distribution.

Sources: Federal Reserve Board; calculations

Bank accounts and other liquid assets

Stocks and mutual funds

Home equity

Consumer durables

Other(mostly pension entitlements)

Bottom 60% 60-80% 80-99% Top 1%





$2.0 trillion


By Matthew C.


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