Barron's - USA (2021-03-01)

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March1,2021 BARRON’S 35


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Why Oracle

Was Late to

The Cloud

To the Editor:

Eric J. Savitz’s cover story, “Oracle’s Next Quest” (Feb.

19), misses the point about why Oracle was late to the

cloud computing game. One reason that Oracle was

late is that it has used its cash flow and debt to fund

stock buybacks instead of growing the company, and

thus underinvested in the cloud computing business.

The article notes that Oracle has been “giving back

to shareholders” by reducing its outstanding stock

40% in the past 10 years. That was a mistake for

shareholders. The funds used forbuybacks would have

been better spent investing in the company, so that

Clay Magouryk, executive vice president of Oracle

Cloud, could have built more than 30 physical data

centers in the past six years.

It is an assumption on Wall Street that stock buy-

backs arebeneficial to shareholders. But this assump-

tion has never been proved. They are often a waste

of shareholders’ money—just ask the shareholders

of Walgreen’s Boots Alliance.

In the case of Oracle, the money used for stock

buybacks—over $66 billion in the past three years,

of which $32 billion was borrowed—

would have benefited shareholders

more by being invested in the


Richard L. Hecht

Larchmont, N.Y.

In the Vanguard

To the Editor:

Vanguard has proved to be a reliable,

conservative home for long-term

money (“Barron’sBest Fund Families

of 2020,” Feb. 19). Trying to chase

top-performing managers will only

create tax liabilities.

My philosophy is to stick with

successful managers and move

money as infrequently as possible. As

in, never. The more money is moved,

the more taxes will eat up, leaving

less to reinvest.

It’s a safe bet that today’s star per-

formers will be tomorrow’s laggards.

Looking at one-, three-, and five-year

rankings tells nothing about who

will be on top at the 10- or 20-year


As my pappy used to say: “It all

comes out in the wash.”

Stuart Kinzler


Pondering Zulauf

To the Editor:

Excellent interview (“Felix Zulauf’s

Guide to ‘Crazy’ Policies, Investment

Bargains, and Bitcoin Mania,” Feb.

18). Zulauf and I are related, ideologi-

cally speaking.

I am especially keen on the agri-

culture call and oil. The climate

mania will eventually run its course

because people need a stable and rea-

sonably priced source of energy. And,

here’s a surprise, people need food,

even in a world of population decline.

They need food with protein, and

that means meat and that means

corn and beans.

William Butcher


To the Editor:

It’s always great to hear from Zulauf,

as his insight throughout the years

has been thoughtful. But as with all

ideas and investments, it’s about tim-

ing. Everything he says may eventu-

ally come to fruition, but a lot can

and will happen in between.

That is the opportunity cost to


Dennis Kramer


Forgotten Generation

To the Editor:

In “Welcome to Earnings Valhalla.

Why Stocks Can Still Shine,” (Street-

wise, Feb. 19), David Kostin of Gold-

man Sachs predicts that the Federal

Reserve won’t change short-term

interest rates until at least 2024, so

“you’re looking at multiple years of

interest rates basically pinned

around zero.”

For the forgotten generation, retir-

ees who have been losing consider-

able income due to ultralow interest

rates for the past 12 years, it’s effec-

tively the same as being unemployed.

I wrote to the Federal Reserve, my

senators, and my representatives

that they should push for no re-

quired minimum distributions as

long as interest rates are near zero,

but so far to no avail. We retirees

should keep trying.

Ron Minarik

Mystic, Conn.

Buffett’s Buybacks

To the Editor:

Andrew Bary writes that “Buffett’s

view has been that a dollar in his

hands is better than one in the hands

of shareholders” (“Warren Buffett’s

Shareholder Letter Could Lift Berk-

shire Hathaway Stock. What Inves-

tors Want to See,” Feb 19). I’ll say it

certainly is. That dollar, returned to

me in dividends, nets 75 cents after

tax. If Buffett retains it—he invests

it for me: $1 retained versus my 75


If you want to engage in an invest-

ing contest and give Warren Buffett

a 33% head start, ask for a dividend.

The legendary 90-year-old investor

may have lost five miles an hour on

his fastball, but I’ll pass on that one.

Plowing excess cash into buybacks

of his own cheap stock is both effi-

cient and wise. And he’s doing that

at a record-setting pace.

Excess capital is a concern, as

Bary rightly points out. But a large-

scale Dutch auction buyback might

be a better choice than a dividend


John Mooney

Marshfield, Mass.


To the Editor:

Two categories of people offer market

predictions: those who don’t know,

and those who know they don’t


Nicholas Jasinski and Carleton

English might be the exceptions.

Their thoughtful Trader column

(Feb. 19) makes sense of recent

events and provide potential trends.

Their keen logical analysis of the

banking sector offers clarity as to

why that sector recently appreciated,

and what may happen next.

Joel Goodman

Centennial, Colo.

“Everything [Zulauf] says may

eventually come to fruition, but a

lot can and will happen in between.”

Dennis Kramer, on

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