TRACK 4 – E Rock E-G5-D5-A5 92 BPM Key of E 3:55 min
Here is a fun rock jam in the key of E using power 5th chords. Power 5th chords really lend to the rock Minor
Pentatonic sounds. The chords in this jam are a I–b3–b7-IV, or E-G-D-A
What Relates to all the chords:
- E Minor Pentatonic & Blues over all the chords. Minor Pentatonic sounds awesome over rock jams. This is not
a real major sounding ballad and there is no major V chord, Minor Pentatonic & Blues scales work very well. - E Dorian over all the chords. Dorian would be the mode that would apply to all the chords in this jam as all the
notes in all the chords are in the E Dorian mode (E,F#,G,A,B,C#,D). Dorian is the 2nd mode of the major scale
and E Dorian is the same as D major. So play D major scales but start on and emphasize the E notes to make it E
Dorian. The tip off to why to use Dorian over all the chords in this jam for that minor sound is that we have a IV
major chord (A) in the progression and you don’t want to play a C note over the A chord as it will rub – you want
to play a C# - and that is in the E Dorian mode as opposed to E Aeolian which has the C note. - Mix both E Dorian and E Minor Pentatonic & Blues over all the chords for some killer sounds.
Treat each chord like a separate event: The chords are moving pretty quick as you only have a half measure
on each chord so there is not much time to solo independently over each chord. You are probably going to solo
more with what relates to all as explained above. You can try and pop a few things in independently over each
chord but don’t get caught playing the wrong scale or arpeggio over the wrong chord.
TRACK 5 – B Minor Blues Bm-Em-F#m 98 BPM Key of B minor 3:30 min
Here we have a cool bluesy jam. It’s a minor key I-IV-V 12-bar blues. With 12-bar progressions you have a lot of
time on each chord. This is perfect for treating each chord as a separate event. This jam is in the key of B minor
and uses the minor chords Bm-Em-F#m, and an F#7#9 chord used in the turnaround. Treat the 7#9 chord like a
minor chord if soloing over just that chord.
What Relates to all the chords:
- B Minor Pentatonic & Blues over all the chords. We instantly know since we are in minor key with no major V
chord we can solo with Minor Pentatonic & Blues scales over all the chords – those scales relate to all. So
whether we are playing over the Bm chord, the Em chord, or the F#m chord we can play B minor Pentatonic &
Blues scales all day long over all the chords in this jam. - B Aeolian over all the chords. We can play a minor mode over all the chords. In minor key a minor mode relates
to all. We are in minor key and when analyzing the chords the IV chord is minor (Em). This tells us we can play B
Aeolian mode (B Natural Minor) over all the chords. B Aeolian relates to all the chords in the progression. B minor
is the relative minor of D major. So play D major scales but start on and emphasize the B notes and it will then be
B Aeolian (B Aeolian = D major). - Mix both B Aeolian and B Minor Pentatonic & Blues over all the chords for some killer sounds.
Treat each chord like a separate event:
- Over the Bm chord try B Minor Pentatonic & Blues, B Aeolian, B Dorian, or B minor arpeggios.
- Over the Em chord try E Minor Pentatonic & Blues, E Aeolian, E Dorian or E Minor arpeggios.
- Over the F#m chord try F# Minor Pentatonic & Blues, F# Aeolian, F# Dorian or F# minor arpeggios.
Track 6 – C Half Step Rock C5-C#5 F5-F#5 Key of C 130 BPM 3:05 min
This is an interesting rock jam where the power 5th chords move up a half step from C to C# and F to F#. You
have a measure and a half on the C and F chords and only half a measure on the C# and F# chords. When
analyzing the chords we see half steps. The C to C# and F to F# are a I to a b2 so that b2 always points us to
check if Phrygian will work. Listening to the progression, we know it has that rock vibe and with the 5th chords we
know Minor Pentatonic & Blues will probably work well.