Maths Inside Baseball

(qra1234) #1

the Atlantic Ocean in 1837. In 1847, he watched his first baseball game
during his honeymoon. Chadwick was already a great cricket fan back in
the UK, and he showed a huge passion for baseball. He started writing
article news about baseball games, and he soon became the main baseball
reporter at ​New York Sunday Mercury. ​After minor successes in carving
out space for baseball in the dailies, Chadwick, in 1957, joined the staff
of the ​New York Clipper​. ​^6

There were no radios or televisions, so the only way to know the game
results was through newspapers or at the stadium. So Chadwick starts to
think about how to deliver baseball results as specific and clear as
possible. After a few months, Chadwick comes up with a method called
box-score, which we still use today. Boxscore method included
information such as runs, hits, errors, each inning and organized these
data into a table to make it look clear. Chadwick’s box score method was
the basis of recording baseball and played an essential role in developing
baseball as a game of numbers.​^7

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