Maths Inside Baseball

(qra1234) #1

Generally, the area of strike one depends on the home plate and the body
of a batter. The following is the official description of the strike zone in
MLB rule book.

“The STRIKE ZONE is that area over home plate the upper limit
of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of
the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level
is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap.The Strike Zone shall
be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to
swing at a pitched ball.”​^13

To say, the horizontal width is set to 17 inches, but height can alter based
on the stance and height of the batter. Hence, some might think that “if
a batter sits on their haunches, the strike zone will shrink excessively, and
the batter always gets based on balls”. However, the standards for the
strike zone applies to normal, understandable batter stances.

Lets calculate the area of the strike zone. Since the height of the strike
zone varies between batter, to set this value, we will use an universal
strike zone designed by Pitchgrader, a pitched/batted ball tracking
software. This is the strike zone boundary dimensions drawn to the
rulebook, based on anthropometric data of a typical 73-inch-tall player.
This zone was made for postgame analysis when the batter height is not

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