
(C. Jardin) #1


he joinery you choose for your new
home will have a huge impact not only
on how your fi nished spaces look,
but also how they feel and function.
Kiwi company Vantage Windows & Doors has
been making quality windows and doors for
more than 45 years, and their joinery is found
in more New Zealand homes than any other
brand. Here’s their guide to getting it right.

  1. Consider how you’ll live
    in your home
    € ink about how you want your new house
    to function. € e life stage are you at, whether
    you have children living at home, and
    whether you spend a lot of time entertaining
    guests outdoors are all factors to consider
    when choosing joinery.

  2. Decide what you want
    your home to look like
    Find examples of windowsanddoorsthat
    you like. Look throughhomeandlifestyle
    magazines and websites.BrowsetheVantage
    Inspiration Gallery onlineandsaveyour
    favourite house images,colours,styles,
    confi gurations and hardware.

  3. Find out whatyouroptionsare
    Once you have identifiedyourprioritiesand
    style, you can choosewindows,doorsand
    hardware to suit yourproject.Vantageoffers
    a wide range of solutionsforallhomes,from
    entrance doors to windows,sliders,bifolds
    and thermally effi cientproducts.Consider
    Vantage’s € ermalHEARTorKlimaSeries
    technology, or passiveventilationsystems
    to create a warmer, healthierhome.Lookat
    diff erent format andconfigurationoptionsto
    fi nd what best suits yourneeds.Forexample,
    if you are consideringawningwindowsbut
    they will project outoverawalkwayanddeck
    when opened, considerusingaslidingwindow
    in these places. Or ifyouhaveanamazingview
    you might choose overthewallslidingdoors
    to enjoy the views withoutobstruction.

  4. Choose yourcolours
    € ink about the paletteofcoloursand
    materials you’ve usedelsewhereinyour
    home and choose joineryinacolourto
    complement these.Considerastatement
    colour for your frontdoor–it’sagreatway
    to personalise yourhomeandcanbebold
    or subtle to suit yourstyle.
    5. Choose your handles
    and other hardware
    Your hardware choice completes
    the look and function of your
    windows and doors. Will a
    contemporary or classic style
    work best with the look of your
    home? Do you prefer squared-off
    or rounded designs? Do you want
    it to blend in or be a focal point?
    Vantage off ers four hardware
    ranges so you can colour-match
    to your window and door frames
    for a unifi ed look, or use a
    contrasting colour or a stainless
    steel or anodised fi nish to make
    a statement.
    6. Choose the kind
    of glass you want

Here’s what Oliver and Ella chose
for the My New Home house:
Metro Series sliding doors are used in
the main living area, the main bedroom
and E a’s bedroom to take advantage
of the home’s view. The largest are
the 7.6m-wide living area doors, which
connect the space to the deck. A large
sliding window in the dining area fl oods
the living spaces with light throughout
the day. Oliver and Ella added opening
windows above the bedroom sliding
doors to allow ventilation and give the
appearance of taller doors.
The Metro series doors achieve the
desired 2.4m height and also have a
clean, fl at surface for a contemporary
look. To continue the modern look the
family fi nished the joinery in Ma Black
powdercoat, with colour-matched
Urbo hardware.
A large plasma entrance door greets
visitors and the Mannex Karaka colour
hints to the mangrove view behind the
door. The digital lock from Assa Abloy
allows easy keyless entry.
Low emissivity performance glass
from Metro Glass improves the thermal
performance of the windows and doors.

To browse the inspiration gallery, fi nd product and colour options
or contact an expert, visit
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