80 | July 2019 The Ideal Home and Garden
Artist Speak
Youth Brigade
kshita’s art depicts life
in abundance, adding
colour and vibrancy. Akshita
shares, “My work is not just
a visual treat, it engages with
my audience by penetrating
their intellect and tugging
at their souls. I work on a
concept, write a poem and
then begin creating artwork
that visually supports my
theme. These concepts are
based on social, historical,
mythological and literary
concepts from Shakespeare
and Tolstoy to tongue twisters
and nursery rhymes; from
tales of Cleopatra and Don
Quixote to social issues like
refugees’ suffering and human
trafficking. My artwork
aspires to capture the fickle
nature of fantasies, whims and
reveries, we so often deem as
reality.” Akshita photographs
slums, quaint lanes, and
architecture of different
cities, these are then printed
on canvas. Different media
like Chinese ink, acrylic
paint, and markers are used
to develop the photographs
further. The photographs
represent structure, our
everyday lives, the mundane
we live in. The bright colours,
strokes and intricate designs
that are added over the
photographs represent the
viewer’s achieved, repressed,
conquered, yearning for or
maybe even fulfilled dreams.
Young contemporary artists who inspite of varying degree of
challenges have successfully created a niche for themselves in the
world of art and have become role models
Akshita Gandhi