roomsandeasyaccess to the magnificent garden. ‘We created a
gardenroom,building out from the original back door, focusing
arounda large18th-century fireplace,’ says Annabel. Sunlight floods
inthroughthewindows on three sides, while armchairs upholstered
inredlinenanda deep sofa in a natural linen with colourful
cushionsaddwarmth and texture to the space.
Tocreateanother connection with the garden and make the
mostoftheidyllicsetting, a new loggia has been built on to the
house.Simplepillars made from local stone support the side open
tothegarden,whilethe floor of old bricks came from the barn when
it hadtobelevelledto fit in more stabling. The loggia’s impressive
fireplaceis madefrom new stone rendered in limewash, while an
favourite room ‘After a day spent
morelovelythan heading out to the loggia
the rocking horse started
the children’s love affair
with all things equestrian.
For similar, try Sally’s rocking
horses, from £1,500. tulip
painting, price on request,
Annabel Playfair
the soft wall colour
sets the tone for the
rest of the house.
table in Paris grey
chalk paint, £19.95
for 1L, Annie Sloan
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86 | 25bh AuguSt 2019