Extended Data Fig. 4 | Hysteresis sensitivity to model parameter variations.
a, Sea-level relevant ice volume for a global warming rate of 1 °C per 10,000 years
above pre-industrial conditions. The blue curve is the same as the blue curve in
Fig. 2 ; the grey shadings show the model sensitivity by encompassing the total
range of individual model responses with respect to the variation of critical
model parameters, as detailed below. b–g, Same as a, but showing the respective
simulations for the tested model parameters (thin blue lines) in comparison to
the reference simulation (thick blue line): b, ice-shelf removal mechanism (PD,
present-day); c, viscosity of the upper mantle in the Earth-deformation model;
d, decay rate of the subglacial meltwater in the till layer; e, unitless exponent in
the ‘pseudo-plastic’ sliding law; f, unitless flow enhancement factor for the SSA
velocities^4 ; and g, horizontal model grid resolution.