Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 6 | Estimated recent and future global biodiversity
trends that resulted from land-use change for all seven scenarios. a–e, The
trends—for the five different biodiversity aspects—that result from changes in
seven biodiversity indicators (see Table  2 for definitions). Indicator values are
shown as differences from the 2010 value (which was set to 1); a value of −0.01
means a loss of 1% in: the extent of suitable habitat (a), the wildlife population
density (b), the local compositional intactness (c), the regional number of

species not already extinct or committed to extinction (d) or the global
number of species not already extinct or committed to extinction (e). Indicator
values are projected in response to land-use change derived from one source
over the historical period (1970–2010, black line; 2010 is indicated with a
vertical dashed line) and from four different IIAMs (AIM, GLOBIOM, IMAGE and
MAgPIE; thick lines show the mean across models and shading shows the range
across models) for each of the seven future scenarios (Table  1 ).
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