Extended Data Table 2 | Key statistics for the date of peak loss, share of avoided loss and relative recovery speed
Statistics support the data shown in Fig. 2. Summary statistics for the date of peak loss, the share of avoided future peak loss compared with the BASE scenario and the relative speed of
recovery after peak loss, by scenario (rows). For each scenario, whether looking at the mean, median or 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of each quantity (groups of columns), the statistics
across BDI and IAM combinations (columns) are estimated from samples of size n (between 10 and 28) either directly from the unique sample of BDM outputs (simulated) or from the 10,000
bootstrapped samples (with replacement) for which we present estimates across samples of mean, median and percentiles (q025 and q975 for, respectively, the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles,
defining the 95% confidence intervals as [q025, q975]).