Extended Data Fig. 5 | Maps of the Metabolic Index, temperature and pO 2
compared to species distributions. a–f, Mapped variables are averaged
from the surface to the 95th percentile depth of each species. a–c, P. boreali s
(0–450 m). d–f, Stenobrachius leucopsarus (0–225 m). A single lower limit of
Φ (Φcrit; black lines) is consistent with habitat range limits found in the Pacific
and Atlantic Oceans for P. boreali s (a) and different sides of the Pacific Ocean
for S. leucopsarus (d). By contrast, no single maximum temperature or
minimum pO 2 is consistent with each species’ range limit across those regions.
The increased skill of Φcrit is encapsulated by the higher F 1 -scores of Φ relative
to temperature (b, e) or to pO 2 (c, f) (in parentheses, respectively) from the full
four-dimensional species distribution. Occurrence data for each species are
shown (blue dots).