Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 6 | Spatial distributions of the P. borealis, S. canicula
and S. plicata compared with the Metabolic Index, temperature and pO 2.
a–i, Spatial distributions of the species shown in Fig.  2 (P. boreali s, S. canicula
and S. plicata) were compared with the Metabolic Index (a, d, g), temperature
(b, e, h) and pO 2 (c, f, i). a–c, P. boreali s. d–f, S. canicula. g–i, S. plicata. A single
lower limit of Φ bounding each species range is contoured (Φcrit; black lines).

For all species, Φcrit more skilfully categorizes occupied habitat than either
temperature limits or lower pO 2 considered individually. This skill is shown
by the higher ratio of F 1 -scores of Φ relative to temperature or to pO 2
(in parentheses, respectively) from the full four-dimensional species
distribution. Occurrence data for each species are shown (blue dots).
Regions for zonal averaging are as in Fig.  2.
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