Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 9 | Flg22-induced calcium f luxes in osca1.3/1.7 guard
cells are reduced compared to wild-type guard cells. a, Typical f lg22-
induced spiking patterns and their distribution in Col-0 and osca1.3/1.7 guard
cells. Legends show ratio changes of the Yellow Cameleon 3.6 calcium reporter
observed over time (f lg22 added at time point 10 min, indicated by an arrow).
The pattern of every cell (n = 64 for wild-type and n = 61 for osca1.3/1.7) was
assigned to one of the categories based on visual assessment. b, Left panel, net
calcium f luxes of a representative Col-0 and osca1.3/1.7 guard cell,
respectively, measured using Scanning Ion Selective Electrodes (SISE). Right
panel, integrated calcium f luxes over 7 min after addition of f lg22 are reduced
in osca1.3/1.7 compared to Col-0 (n = 29 cells for Col-0, n = 23 cells for

osca1.3/1.7; error bars represent mean ± s.e.m. bootstrapped Welch two sample
t-test, two-sided P = 0.0464.). c, Left panel, f lg22-induced calcium f luxes are
blocked by lanthanum. Representative calcium f luxes measured using
Scanning Ion Selective Electrodes (SISE) of Col-0 guard cells with or without
lanthanum pre-treatment (1 mM lanthanum applied 10 min before flg22
treatment). One micromolar f lg22 was added at time point 0 to epidermal
strips. Right panel, integrated calcium f luxes over 8 min after addition of f lg22
are significantly blocked by lanthanum in Col-0 (n = 8 cells without lanthanum
and n = 5 cells with lanthanum; error bars represent mean ± s.e.m.;
bootstrapped Welch two sample t-test, two-sided P = 0.0026).
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