Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 8 | Capacity of mini-gut tubes to regenerate after
radiation-induced damage. a, Mini-gut tubes fail to regenerate and rapidly
deteriorate upon exposure to 8 Gy radiation dose. Overlaid bright-field and
LGR5–eGFP f luorescence time-course images of epithelial damage in mini-gut
tubes induced by exposure to 8 Gy radiation dose are shown. Scale bars, 60 μm.
b, Rapid replenishment of LGR5–eGFP+ stem cells initially eliminated by
exposure to 2 Gy radiation dose. A graph showing normalized f luorescence
intensity of eGFP measured in the crypts before and after exposure to 2 Gy and

8 Gy radiation dose. Mean ± s.d. for n = 4 samples. c, Time-course of mini-gut
tubes regeneration upon 2 Gy radiation dose-induced damage shown in
bright-field and LGR5–eGFP f luorescence. EDF of bright-field images,
calculated for a z-stack of 80 μm; f luorescence confocal images correspond to
a maximal intensity projection of a z-stack of around 60 μm. Scale bars, 60 μm.
All data are representative of at least two independent experiments with n = 3
replicates per each condition.
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