Extended Data Fig. 2 | Colitis activates liver-brain axis. a–c, WT mice were
subjected to Sham or VGx and then were given DSS for 7 days, starting at day 2
after surgery. Graphs show pooled data of three independent experiments
(n = 1 5/group). a, Relative body weight change during colitis. ** indicates
P < 0.01. b, DAI. c, Representative HE staining of colon sections (left panel, bar:
200 μm) and histological scores (right panel). d–f, WT mice were given DSS or
water for 6 days (n = 6/group). d, Representative images of immunof luorescence
staining for pERK1/2 (green) in NG (upper panel, bar: 100 μm). Quantification
of pERK1/2-experssing neurons (lower panel). e, Representative images
of c-Fos immunoreactivity in NTS (left panel, bar: 200 μm). Number of
c-Fos immunoreactive neurons (right panel). f, Representative images of
immunof luorescence double-staining for pERK1/2 (green) and PGP9.5 (red) in
murine liver sections. Co-stained sites are shown in yellow (left panel). Scale
bar indicates 10 μm. Quantification of pERK1/2-experssing area in PGP9.5
positive nerve fibre (right panel). g. Hepatic phosphor-mTOR and total mTOR
protein levels. WT mice were treated with Abx-cocktail for 3 weeks and then
were given DSS for 4 days. h, i, WT mice were intravenously injected with
Si-negative control (Si-Cont) or Raptor (Si-Raptor) and at day 3 after were
subjected to sham or HVx (n = 6/group). Phenotypes of colonic T cell were
analysed at day 2 after surgery. h, Frequency of Foxp3+ Treg among CD4+ T cells.
(left panel) Representative contour plots. (right panel) Quantification.
i, Frequency of RORγt+ cells among colonic Foxp3+ Treg. Representative
contour plots (left panel). Quantification (right panel). Representative of two
independent experiments (d–i). P values obtained via unpaired two-tailed
Student’s t tests (a–f) and one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test (h, i). Data
are shown as mean ± SEM (b–f, h, i).