Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1

510 | Nature | Vol 585 | 24 September 2020


for CRC^12 , as are heritable genetic defects such as familial adenoma-
tous polyposis and Lynch syndrome^13. Beyond such inherited condi-
tions, mathematical modelling attributes 70–90% of disease risk to
environmental factors—most notably diets that are low in fibre and
high in red meat^2 ,^14. Pathogenic infections are also well-established
environmental triggers of many cancers, with a link between H. pylori
and gastric cancer first identified in 1991^15 ,^16. Although evidence for a
single disease-triggering pathogen in CRC is lacking, these observa-
tions have sparked a growing interest in the role of the microbiota,
in which cancer-initiating microorganisms might prosper owing to
ecological changes.
Irrespective of what underlies the initiation of CRC, it typically
involves the disruption of homeostatic immune and microbiota-derived
signals, stimulating responses that have evolved to permit epithelial
restitution to excess^17 ,^18. Whether such responses initiate tumorigen-
esis depends on a succession of genomic alterations within intestinal
stem cells, often in the form of mutations in genes such as APC, KRAS
or PIK3CA^19. Notably, the incidence of such genetic alterations can be
increased by a maladaptation of the host–microbiota interface (Fig.  1 ),
which can contribute to the hallmarks of cancer—including sustained
epithelial-cell proliferation, resistance to cell death, invasion and
immune evasion^20.
Like the delicate balance in protective versus pathogenic epithe-
lial responses, intestinal inflammation is considered a ‘double-edged

sword’ in CRC. The numbers of in situ T cells correlate with beneficial
CRC outcome^21 , and harnessing the immune system for antigen-specific
elimination remains the goal of many therapeutic strategies. How-
ever, tumours often escape such immune-mediated destruction by
immunoediting tumour antigens, rendering them undetectable^22.
Although innate immune cells such as neutrophils and macrophages
can aid tumour clearance, under certain circumstances they release
reactive oxygen species, which can potentially initiate a carcinogenic
cascade by damaging the genomic integrity of IECs^23. Tumour cells
thereby create a vicious cycle in which numerous cells in the micro-
environment—including resident fibroblasts—can be reprogrammed
to produce additional growth factors, cytokines and pro-angiogenic
factors that sustain unrestrained proliferation and invasion^17 ,^18 ,^24 ,^25.

Dysbiosis in CRC
Initial evidence for host–microbiota interactions in CRC emerged in
1975, when it was shown that the carcinogen dimethylhydrazine trig-
gered significantly less colonic tumorigenesis in germ-free rats than in
those with intestinal microbiota^26. More functionally, mice transplanted
with a faecal microbiota from patients with CRC developed more intes-
tinal polyps than those receiving microbiota from healthy controls^27.
Thanks to developments in microbiome profiling—including 16S
rRNA and shotgun metagenomics—it is indisputable that individuals
with CRC have a different taxonomic composition relative to healthy
controls, referred to as ‘dysbiosis’^28. These metagenomic and metataxo-
nomic studies show that patients with CRC have a greater overall taxo-
nomic diversity of faecal species and an outgrowth of certain species, the
nature of which has been described extensively elsewhere^29 –^33. In sum-
mary, a higher relative abundance of putatively pro-carcinogenic micro-
bial members—including Fusobacterium nucleatum, Escherichia coli,
Bacteroides fragilis, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus gallolyticus
and Peptostreptococcus spp.—has been detected in CRC tumour tissue,
whereas so-called protective genera—including Roseburia, Clostridium,
Faecalibacterium and Bifidobacterium—are reduced^29 –^34. Some of
these differences, most consistently levels of Fusobacterium, have
been correlated with clinical outcomes and chemosensitivity, and
therefore such bacteria have potential as biomarkers^33. Recent analysis
of biopsies from 100 patients with Lynch syndrome highlighted early
microbial changes in colonic neoplasia, including a shift in flagellin
contributors^34 ,^35.
However, determining whether such changes are a cause or an effect
of cancer, and attributing the initiation and/or progression of CRC to
certain so-called ‘oncogenic’ microorganisms, remains challenging—in
part due to considerable inter-individual differences within the micro-
biota^3. Nonetheless, a recently published CRC signature identified an
enrichment of 29 species across 8 geographic locations, taking the
field closer to defining a ‘CRC microbiome’^34. Important mechanistic
questions remain as to whether the observed pathophysiology is due
to the activity of the collective ‘oncogenic’ community, for example
via metabolite production, or to single strains with certain genotoxic
and/or yet to be discovered characteristics.

Genotoxicity induced by CRC-associated bacteria
For a single microorganism or community to be considered oncogenic,
they must elicit carcinogenic effects, such as causing DNA damage.
Pathogens associated with cancer—including H. pylori—are known to
trigger cancerous mutations^36 , and a number of recent studies have
reported the genotoxicity of species associated with CRC, including
colibactin-producing polyketide synthase (pks)+ E. coli^37 –^39 , entero-
toxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF)^40 , E. faecalis^41 and cytolethal distending
toxin-producing Campylobacter jejuni^42. In particular, pks+ E. coli
can induce double-strand breaks, aneuploidy and improper cellular
division^37 , an effect driven by the mutagen colibactin^43 ,^44. This was





Mesenchyme Immune cells


Tissuerepair activation

a b





Fig. 1 | A schematic of the host–microbiota interactions in health and in
colorectal cancer. The host–microbiota interface comprises a continuously
evolving microbial ecosystem neighbouring host immune and mesenchymal
cells, which underlie a single-layer epithelial-cell barrier. Under homeostatic
conditions, bi-directional communication between host cells and the
microbiota facilitates critical symbiotic functions and maintains the structural
integrity of the intestine (arrows). For example, microorganisms and
metabolites can trigger responses that maintain barrier function and tissue
repair. This response is simultaneously affected by the genetic makeup of host
cells, which in turn shapes microbiota niche formation. However, such
interactions can become maladapted in CRC, in which the microbiota
composition is different (a), including an increase in bacteria with genotoxic
abilities (b). These changes are accompanied by deterioration of the epithelial
cell barrier (c); this enables an inf lux of microorganisms (d) that can trigger
inf lammation (e) and promote established hallmarks of cancer, such as DNA
damage (f).

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