Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 10 | Effects of HVx on colitis. a–c, WT mice were
sensitized with TNBS. After 5 days, mice were subjected to Sham or HVx, and
treated with TNBS by intrarectal administration at the same time. Graphs show
pooled data from three independent experiments (n = 20/group). d–f, Eight-
week-old male Rag2−/− mice were subjected to sham-operation or HVx and then
were given DSS for 7 days, starting at day 2 after surgery (n = 1 2 /group).
g, h, Sham-operated and HVx mice were cohoused and orally challenged with
2.0% DSS (w/v) for 7 days. Graphs show pooled data of two independent
experiments (n = 8/group). i, j, Abx treated mice were subjected to sham and
HVx and after 2 days, orally challenged with 2.0% DSS (w/v) for 7 days. Graphs
show pooled data of two independent experiments (n = 10/group). k, l, Sham
operated and HVx Myd88-deficient mice were orally challenged with 2.0% DSS
(w/v) for 7 days (n = 1 3/group). m–o, Sham-operated and hepatic vagotomized

mice were orally challenged with 2.0% DSS (w/v) and daily treated with BETH for
7 days. Graphs show pooled data of two independent experiments (n = 10/
group). a, d, g, i, k, m, Relative body weight change during acute colitis.
b, e, h, j, l, n, DAI. c, f, o, Representative HE staining of colon sections (left panel,
bar: 200 μm) and histological scores (right panel). Each experiment was
repeated at least twice with similar results P values obtained via unpaired two-
tailed Student’s t tests. Error bars represent the mean ± s.e.m. p, A schematic
view of the liver-brain-gut neural arc. A mouse in the supine position is
illustrated. The liver senses the gut microenvironment and relays the sensory
inputs to the left NTS of the brainstem, and ultimately to the left vagal
parasympathetic nerves and enteric neurons. Gut APCs, activated by the liver-
brain-gut neural arc, show enhanced ALDH expression and R A synthesis
through mAChRs and maintain a reservoir of peripheral regulatory T cells.
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