Extended Data Fig. 9 | Genomic and mRNA analysis of transgenic mouse
lines. a, PCR analysis of genotypes from kidney samples of Flcnflox/flox;Ksp-cre+
(Flcn-KO) mice and Flcnflox/flox;Tfe bflox/flox;Ksp-cre+ (Flcn-Tfeb-DKO) mice and
corresponding controls (replicated three times). In detail, genotypes of
Ctrl-Flcn mice were the following: Flcnf lox/+- Flcnflox/flox - Flcnf lox/+;Ksp-cre+.
Genotypes of Ctrl-Flcn-Tfeb mice were the following: Flcnf lox/+;Tfe bf lox/+-
Flcnflox/flox;Tfe bflox/flox-Flcnf lox/+;Tfe bflox/flox. b, mRNA levels of the indicated genes in
Tfebflox/flox;Ksp-cre+ (Tfeb-KO), Flcnflox/flox;Ksp-cre+ (Flcn-KO), Flcnflox/flox;
Tfebflox/flox;Ksp-cre+(Flcn-Tfeb-DKO) and corresponding control mice at p2. Bars
represent mean ± s.e.m. for each group and are expressed as fold change
compared with control mice, normalized to cyclophilin gene expression.
**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, two-sided Student t-test. S16 expression is shown as a
control, unrelated gene (n = 4 Ctrl-Tfeb; n = 3 Tfeb-KO; n = 3 Ctrl-Flcn; n = 4
Flcn-KO; n = 3 Ctrl-Flcn-Tfeb; n = 4 Flcn-Tfeb-DKO).