Nature - USA (2020-09-24)

(Antfer) #1


Compression Ratio = 1 Compression Ratio = 0.69 Compression Ratio = 0

F-127 SDSrTiton X-100



Extended Data Fig. 1 | Controlling compression and size ratios. a–c, The
compression ratio of clusters can be changed by adding differing amounts of
THF in the deformation step: a, no THF; b, 18 vol% THF; c, 30 vol% THF. d–f, The

size ratio can be controlled by using different surfactants in the polymerization
step: d, 0.05 wt% F-127; e, 0.05 wt% F-127 + 0.05 wt% SDS; f, 0.05 wt% F-127 + 0.05
wt% Triton X-100. Scale bars, 1 μm.
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