536 | Nature | Vol 585 | 24 September 2020
suggest a model (Extended Data Fig. 11d) in which KDM4A multimers
sample pre-existing H3•H3 dimers, and indicates further potential of
precisely mimicking residues such as Bhn to create new speculative
mechanistic models.
Our strategy for photoredox-initiation of carbon-centred radical
precursors displays chemoselectivity that is precise enough for
broad installation of previously difficult, even reactive, side chains.
Limitations to our process remain: methyl and aryl radical precur-
sors failed, perhaps owing to higher redox barriers to initiation or
to rapid termination that outstrips addition; however, the pySOOF
system does allow use of HF 2 C•. Notably, we also observed exam-
ples of the site-selective creation of quaternary sites in proteins
through dual carbon-centred radical addition (for example, dual Bn•
to give 4-benzyl,3-phenyl-Aib, BFab, at ~80%; Extended Data Fig. 3a).
Although not the focus of this work, the ability to vary the condi-
tions for the formation of such quaternary centres using longer-lived
carbon-centred radicals with more potent photocatalysts (here
Cat3 > Cat1) to quench/terminate an on-protein α-carbon radical
is an exciting additional observation, which suggests future design
of gem,gem-α,α-bisalkylated motifs known^50 to control stability and
Our discovery of new crosslinks using previously inaccessible
unnatural amino acids in proteins (for example, Bhn) suggests that
precise mimicry of residues in PPIs may drive new chemistries,
and hence selectivities. Whereas current crosslinking methods
non-specifically ‘fix’ (for example, formaldehyde, bis-esters), and
hence trap, complexes that are longer-lived or more favoured, our
results here suggest that the future application of crosslinks could
enable the exploitation of reactivity enhanced by effective molarity
(see Supplementary Discussion 6) to precisely cross-react minimal,
size-matched side chains (for example, Bhn) even in transient, reac-
tive interactions. Importantly, in this scenario it is the relative rate
enhancement caused by the environment that is important, rather
than the inherent rate of reactivity. We speculate therefore that better
crosslinking selectivities may now be designed around new amino
acids with unusual chemistries (for example, Williamson ether forma-
tion) and counterintuitively lower (not higher) reactivities that work in
rare, but more information-rich and relevant, contexts (for example,
insertion into precisely matching PPIs that drive effective molar-
ity). Moreover, this crosslinking has enabled complex, activity-based
protein inhibition through the modification of conserved active-site
residues (for example, covalent inhibition of KDM4A by eH3.1-Bhn9).
In this way, one may consider future protein analogues—‘protein cova-
lent inhibitors’—that act akin to emerging, targeted small-molecule
covalent inhibitors^51 , but with enhanced potency and selectivity that
exploits PPIs.
The observed requirement for continual irradiation in our
light-driven approach enables on–off temporal control (Extended
Data Figs. 3e, 7). This suggests not only chemical precision in individual
proteins but also potential future use of defined spatiotemporal irra-
diation^21 ,^52 to control states of protein ensembles over time and site
(for example, tissues). When also paired with in cellulo generation of
Dha^53 , the chemical side-chain versatility that we have observed could
drastically improve our ability to probe complex biological systems
with atomic precision using the tissue-penetrating trigger of light. To
this future end, we have also shown that various biogenic catechola-
mines (Extended Data Fig. 3f ) function in the BACED manifold. This,
along with the endogenous presence of Fe(ii) for pySOOF reactivity,
suggests promise for in vivo reactivity.
Note added in proof: Two relevant papers^ relating to deboronative
radical chain reactions^54 and proximity-based covalent attachment
of small molecules to proteins^55 emerged during the latter stages of
the review of this paper.
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting sum-
maries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
tributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2733-7.
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