Innovation & Tech Today - CA (2020-10)

(Antfer) #1


I&T Today: Already a trend before COVID-
19, streaming technologies have been pushed
to the forefront during the pandemic. How
critical have these technologies been to
RM: In this current time, it is good to have
these outlets to reach your audience. We didn’t
have this option 20 years ago. While shooting
the movies or shows can be tough in a [COVID-
19] world, it allows us to continue creating.
I&T Today: With all that is going on with
the COVID-19 pandemic and tech
innovations in home entertainment, will
“movie going” ever be the same?
RM: While streaming technologies allow
actors additional opportunities to get stories to
the consumer, we all miss the communal
experience of being in a theater. In the future,
theaters will be designed differently to
accommodate things like upgrades in seating
and ventilation.
In the foreseeable time, I am not running to a
movie theater, even though I miss it, but the
movie theater experience will return one day.
I&T Today: Any future projects? What
irons do you have in the fire?
RM: As you can imagine, Cobra Kai takes up a
decent amount of time, but I am working on a
couple of projects behind the camera. I have

done some writing and directing short films and
producing some television.
And everything old is new again, so I am
looking at recycling things I’ve had in develop-
ment. I’d like to do a current spin on some young
adult topics. During the first three seasons of
Cobra Kai, I was also working with HBO on
Deuce. I loved watching that show on Sunday
nights with the Cobra Kai script on my lap.
The role on HBO was so different and allowed
me to show a different range, so I would love to
embrace another opportunity like that again.
I&T Today: Do you consider yourself a
tech enthusiast? What is your home
entertainment setup?
RM: No, but I am jealous of the people that
are, so I aim to learn more soon. Right now, if I
post on Instagram, I have to ask my kids for
help, but I am getting better. The 12 on my VCR
isn’t flashing anymore.
I have a Samsung system and I love sound. It is
such a big thing for movies, and I like to use
Bose headphones to recreate that movie
experience. Although I have a great gym in the
basement, there are times when I look around
and think this place should be a home theater.
As I get older, I also think I need the gym
more than the home theater system. But maybe
I could do both and have a retractable screen

around the weights?
I&T Today: Did you use a custom installer
for your home tech integration, or do you do
it yourself?
RM: I did a few things for the television and
sound system, but my son is good at it. Between
the two of us, we can get it figured out. But like I
said, I don’t have the full enchilada yet.

When I need things like Ring cameras
installed, I simply purchase the items and hand
them to my electrician. But when I had to
change my Wi-Fi for them, the first one took me
20 minutes while the remaining cameras barely
took me six seconds each.

Just like anything else, the first time feels like a
mountain. But after that, you get the hang of it.
I&T Today: Is there any kind of smart home
tech that you’ve got your eyes on?
RM: I always have my eyes on innovative
security systems for obvious reasons, while also
educating myself on all that is out there. I have
had an alarm and security system in my home
since the 1970s, ever since I was a kid, but I
need an upgrade.
With upgrades comes all the connected
capabilities like lighting and communication
channels throughout the home, but I am sure I
will need a “Mr. Miyagi” to get me through it. Q

Photo:SteveDietl/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix Photo:SteveDietl/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix

Inseason1, DanielLaRussoimplementsthemanytrainingstrategiesgiventohim

Photo:BobMahoney/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix Photo:BobMahoney/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix Photo:SteveDietl/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix Photo:SteveDietl/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix

Photo:JaceDowns/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix Photo:JaceDowns/SonyPicturesTelevision/Netflix


While following the guidelines of Miyagi-Do Karate, LaRusso also applies his own
training methods.

After more than 30 years of not seeing one another, Daniel LaRusso and Johnny
Lawrence's rivalry remains.

No Mercy

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