Susan Butchko pets
her recently adopted
dog, a retired racing
greyhound named
Remy. She has been
fostering and adopting
greyhounds since 1999.
Before the 1980s,
greyhounds that
retired from racing
often were euthanized
or sold to laboratories.
IT’S 8:30 ON A SATURDAY night in August. A
gibbous moon hangs low in the sky, its glow
no competition for the neon sign proclaiming
About 300 people are scattered in the grand-
stands here in St. Petersburg, Florida, that once
held thousands, murmuring as loudspeakers
play big band and rockabilly. They fall silent
when Frederick Davis leads the parade of dogs.
“TNT Sherlock,” says the announcer, calling
for the first of the eight sleek animals as Davis
halts them in front of the stands. Each dog wears
a number attached to a snug vest known as a
blanket. “Tailspin,” the announcer calls, “Char-
lotte York ...”
Next, Davis, 41, and the eight handlers he
supervises put the dogs in the starting box. A
mechanical rabbit named Hare-son Hare zooms
past, squeaking and shooting blue sparks. The
doors fly open, and the greyhounds burst onto
the track in a blur of acceleration. Their paws
toss sand in the air as they gallop around the
oval for 30 seconds, hitting speeds of up to 45
miles an hour.
Derby Lane, which opened in 1925, was once
hailed as the Churchill Downs of greyhound
racing. Back when the dogs were running last
year, you could still get a hint of the glamour
and excitement of the track’s glory days in the
20th century. Back then, the stands would be
packed with fans in suits and hats. Babe Ruth
and entertainer Sophie Tucker were visitors. Joe
Sleek greyhounds
thunder around the
sandy oval at Derby
Lane in St. Petersburg,
Florida, in August 2020.
Derby Lane, the oldest
continuously operating
dog track in the
U.S., and two other
Florida tracks closed
in December. Voters
effectively ended the
sport when they opted
to ban betting on
dog races because of
concerns about mis-
treatment of the dogs.