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114 Oruno D. Lara

  1. cf. Oruno D. Lara, De l'Atlantique à l'Aire Caraïbe: Nègres Cimarrons et Révoltes
    d'Esclaves, XVI'-XVII' Siècles, Paris, 1971, 4 vols., typed.

  2. This was the case in Guinea-Bissau and Angola, for example.

  3. As, for example, the Kilombo das Palmares, in the Capitanía of Pernambuco, which
    held out against the attacks of Dutch and Portuguese expeditionary forces for more
    than a century, from the end of the sixteenth century to 1698.

  4. F. Tenreiro, A Ilha de Säo Tomé; Antonio de Aimeida, Da Origem dos Angulares.
    Habitantes da IIha de Sao Tomé, Lisbon, 1895; Frédéric Mauro, Le Portugal et
    l'Atlantique au XVIIe Siècle. See also Almada Negreíros, Historia Ethnographica
    da Ilha de Säo Thome, Lisbon, 1895.

  5. J. D. M. Ford (ed.), The Letters of the Council of John III, King of Portugal, Cambridge
    Mass., Harvard University Press, 1933; letters dated 22 October 1536 and 25 October
    1536 from the king to D. Antonio d'Ataide, Count of Castanheira.

  6. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 'Fonds Portugais 8 (15)', No. 93, p. 278; Gaston Sousa
    Dias, Relaçoes de Angola, p. 95; cf. Bol. Soc. Geo., Lisbon, 4th ser., No. 7, p. 349.
    In 1580, Fructuoso Ribeiro wrote to Father Francisco Martins that the Negroes
    in revolt occupied the mountain in the centre of the island, the Pic de Mocambo.
    To defend the island and the town against their attacks, the territory was divided
    up between three captains.

  7. 'For a worm has got into the sugar-cane as in Madeira', F. Mauro, op. cit., p. 190;
    cf. Luciano Cordeiro, Vol. I, Chapter IV.

  8. Between 1586 and 1636, for instance, there were twenty governors and seven serious
    incidents, two of which resulted in excommunications.

  9. There were over 300 of them on the island at the time.

  10. These voyages were mainly for the purpose of the slave trade.

  11. The Fonds de Nantes (A.D. Loire Atlantique) (B 4.584, B 4.585, B 4.592, B 4.595,
    B 5.004/5) is mentioned as a reminder. A list of United Kingdom sources relating
    to the slave-ships is annexed.

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