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with the Admiralty Record Office by ships' captains: 4977 to 4995. Logs:
5004 to 5006 (1706-53). Série C, Chambre de Commerce de Nantes: 722,
738 (slave trade) (1671-1790), 739 to 742, 753 (account of a Negro revolt in
Jamaica, 1760).
Municipal records. Le Havre: Série HH, 66 (1716-72)—trade with the colonies;
72 (1741-86)—the slave trade. Nantes: Série EE-267 (1691-1788); Série
FF-202 (1725); Série HH-205, 206, 241.
Chambers of commerce and industry. Dunkerque: Deliberations and declarations of
slave-ships' captains. Marseilles (A.C.C.M.): Série H. La Rochelle (A.C.C.R.):
Boîte XIX, Doc. 6511-6767; Boîte VI (Grand Bureau); Boîte XXI, E.g. 7317
and Dossier 102. Municipal Library of La Rochelle: No. 856 (1787) Logs of
the Amitié.


Algemeen Rijksarchief (ARA). West Indian Affairs, 1637-1790 (9217-9224).'Loket-
kas' ; 120, 145, 114. Records of the first WIC, 1621-74. Records of the second
WIC, 1674-1795. Records of the Surinam Company, 1683-1795 (498 entries).
Records of the Dutch possessions, Antilles and Surinam, 1669-1845.
Amsterdam Record Office. Brazil, 1647. Curaçao, 1683-1743.
Dordrecht Record Office (seventeenth century).
Hoorn Record Office. 452, 1548-1807.
Leyden Record Office. Records of Daniel van der Meulen, 1573-1648, 684 items.
Rotterdam Record Office. Records of the burgomasters and town clerks of Rotterdam:
83, papers concerning the WIC, 1616-87. 84, papers concerning trade with
the Antilles, 1700-10. 85, papers concerning the Surinam Company, 1685-1708.
Zeeland Record Office, Middelburg. 2036, I vol., 1667-76. Private records of the
Verheye-Van Citters family. Collection of manuscripts: 83, 1672-74; 277,


Archivo Histórico Ultramarino, Lisbon. Caixas: Angola, Guinea, Sao Tomé, Pernam-
buco, Cape Verde—royalty and insignia of royalty. Many documents in several
boxes at the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon. General Collection.

United Kingdom

Bristol Record Office, Council House, Bristol. MSS. 08226: Bills of lading, 1719-
21; MSS. 16073—H. Bright, slaver, The Sally; transporting slaves to the
Antilles. MSS. 12162: Ship's logs, 1777-91. MSS. 15326: J. H. Morgan.
MSS. 04058: town dues, 53 vols., 1790-1846.
The British Museum, Manuscripts Department. Cotton Manuscripts: C. Otho E. VIII;
C. Vespasian C. XIII. Egerton Manuscripts: 742, 929, 1806, 2395, 2543, 2597.

  1. Harley Manuscripts: 35, 39, 253, 280, 1511, 3361, 5101, 6845, 6922, 7021,
    Lansdowne Manuscripts: 52, 100, 844, 1197. Sloane Manuscripts: 159, 358,

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