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(gutman) #1
Summary report of the meeting of experts 229
on the African slave trade

Education of children and students in African and Caribbean history

The experts strongly hoped that the governments concerned would agree to
include the history of Africa in syllabuses in the Caribbean area and the history
of the Caribbean in syllabuses in African countries.


  1. It was suggested that the experts pay the greatest attention to the pitfalls of inadequately
    digested mathematical techniques used on behalf of a dangerous ideology. The
    following works were recommended by one of the participants: Calcul et Anthro-
    pologie Paris. (Collection '10/18'); André Régnier, La Crise du Langage Scientifique,
    Paris; Pourquoi la Mathématique, Paris (Collection '10/18').

  2. Examples were given for Portugal and Guadeloupe.

  3. The Copenhagen Archives relating to the Virgin Islands are a case in point. However,
    Dr Neville Hall, Dean of the History Faculty at the University of the West Indies,
    Mona (Jamaica), was given access to them recently.

  4. It should be emphasized that the benefits of the slave trade accumulated by the receiving
    countries were a powerful stimulus to international trade, both in volume and in
    value, and that this commercial development was itself an incentive to modern
    economic development in Western Europe and North America.

  5. See Pedro Deschamps Chapeaux, Contribución a la Historia de la Gente sin Historia,
    Havana, Editorial de Ciencas Sociales, 1974.

  6. Scholars in Puerto Rico have begun to undertake research of this kind.

  7. Ebun Ogunsanya, The Yoruba Dialect in Bahian Portuguese, Romance Languages
    Department, Radcliffe College, Harvard University, 1971 (Senior Theses, B.A.);
    Interviews with Eduardo Magobeira (Baba Ijesa), Bahia, June-August 1970.

  8. See Jane McDivitt, From Anguish to Affirmation—A Study of the Poetry of the Afro-
    Brazilian, Harvard University, 1976, (unpublished doctoral thesis); Anani Dzid-
    zienya, The Minority Position of Blacks in Brazil, London, Institute of Race Rela-
    tions, 1972.

  9. See the final report of the Meeting of Experts on the Historical Contacts between
    East Africa and Madagascar on the One Hand, and South-East Asia on the Other
    across the Indian Ocean, held in Mauritius in 1974 (Unesco doc. SHC.74/CONF/

  10. See Richard Price, Maroon Societies, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

  11. See R. Berrou and P. Pompilus, Histoire de la Littérature Haïtienne Illustrée par les
    Textes, Paris, Éditions de l'École, 3 vols.

  12. See Revista la Torre, special issue published in November 1973 on the abolition of
    slavery in the Caribbean.

  13. See Antonio Carreira, Angola, da Escravatura ao TraballoLivre, Lisbon, Arcadia, 1977

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