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The slave trade from the fifteenth

to the nineteenth century

Y. Talib

Documentary sources

Accounts and Papers (1837-38). Vol. II, Paper 697, House of Commons, Slave Trade.
Correspondence, orders and regulations.
Accounts and Papers (1841). Vol. XXVIII, Paper 238.
Slave-trade correspondence presented to Parliament in 1842. (F.O. 54/5.)
Public Record Office, London. (F.O. 84) Slave Trade. 'Up to 1840 this series contains little
material on the Arab slave trade from East Africa and Abyssinia; after that date the
volume of relevant correspondence increases greatly. Slave-trade correspondence between
the Foreign Office and the other departments of State before 1839 is collected in the
"Domestic Various" volumes of the series ; but after that year the concentration of the
direction of slave-trade policy in the Slave Trade Department of the Foreign Office
brought such an increase in the volume of correspondence that the "Domestic Various"
category had to be replaced by a number of new categories, "India Board", "Admiralty",
"Colonial Office", etc. From 1840 onwards all correspondence on the slave trade received
at the India Board from the Indian Presidencies was passed to the Foreign Office, to
be dealt with in the Slave Trade Department.—J. B. Kelly, Britain and the Persian Gulf,
1795-1880, p. 868, Oxford, 1968.
Report from the Select Committee on the Slave Trade (E. Coast of Africa). Parliamentary
Paper, XII (1871), United Kingdom.
Report addressed to the Earl of Clarendon by the Committee on the East African Slave
Trade, 24 January 1870, LXII, 1871.
Correspondence respecting Sir Bartle Frere's mission to the East Coast of Africa—1872-
73, Parliamentary Paper, LXI, 1873.
Correspondence respecting the abolition of the legal status of slavery in Zanzibar and
Pemba (C.8858) (1898), London.
Enclos to Bombay See. Letters, Vol. 51, enclos to See. Letter 115 of 15 Oct., 1842. Report
on the Slave Trade of Abyssinia by Capt. W. C. Harris, enclosed in Harris to Willouby,
20 July 1842 (No. 37, Sec. Dept.). Enclosed with the report is a map of the slave routes
through Sheoa. See also Vol. 34, enclos to See. Letter 59 of 17 July 1841, Haines to
Willouby, Aden, July 1841 (No. 54 Sec. Dept.).
SALDANHA, J. A. (ed.). Precis on the Slave Trade in the Gulf of Oman and the Persian
Gulf—1873-1905, with a retrospect into previous history from 1882, Calcutta, 1906.
(A principle source for the history of the slave trade of East Africa with the Arabian
Archive du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (Aff. Étr.j Paris. (Mémoires et documents,
Série Afrique (Mémo et doc. Afrique). Boutres Françaises, Recrutement de Travailleurs
pour les Colonies Françaises de l'Océan Indien.)

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