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Bibliography on slavery in the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea
(general works)

Africans in India (with some items on West Africa, South America and West Indies)
BANOJI, D. R. Slavery in British India. Bombay, 1933.
BURTON PAGE, J. Habshi. Encyclopaedia of Islam. New ed., p. 14-16. Leiden and London.
FREEMAN-GRANVILLE, G. S. P. The Sidi and Swahili. Bulletin of the British Association
of Orientalists. Vol. 6,1971, p. 3-18. (New series.)
HARRIS, Joseph E. African History from Indian Sources. Africa Quarterly, 1961, p. 4-9.
PANKHURST, R. The Habshi of India. Introduction to the Economic History of Ethiopia.
p. 409-22. 1961.
PESCATELLO, Ann M. The African Presence in Portuguese India. Journal of Asian History
(Weisbaden), Vol. II, No. 1, 1977, p. 26-48.
POSTANS, T. Personal Observations on Sind. London, 1843. (See esp. p. 358-9.)
RAO, Vasant D. The Habshis, India's Unknown Africans. Africa Report, September/
October 1973, p. 35-8.

Malay Archipelago
MAXWELL, R. J. The Law Relating to Slavery among the Malays. Journal of the Malayan
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. X, Part I, 1932. (p. 254 refers to 'Habshis*
as a separate category of slaves.)

The Red Sea
STACK, (Sir) Lee. The Slave Trade between the Sudan and Arabia. Journal of the Central
Asia Society, Vol. 8, 1921, Part 3, p. 163-4.
YUSUF FADL HASSAN. The Slave Trade. The Arabs and the Sudan, p. 42-9. Edinburgh Uni-
versity Press, 1967.

PANKHURST, R. The Ethiopian Slave Trade 1800-1935. A New Assessment. Journal of
Ethiopian Studies, 1964.
SERJEANT, R. B. South Arabia and Ethiopia—African Elements in the South Arabian
Population. Proceedings—3rd International Conference of Ethiopian Studies. Vol. I,
p. 25-33. 1966.


ARNAUD, T. H. J. ; VAYSSIERE, A. Les Akhdam de 1'Yemen, leur Origine Probable, leur
Mœurs. Journal Asiatique, Vol. XV, 4th series, p. 375-87. Paris, 1850.
BURTON, Richard. Pilgrimage to al-Madinah and Meccah. Vols. I and II. Dover Edition,
London, 1964. (Slaves, trade in, at Jeddah and in Egypt, i, 47. Refrom in slave laws
throughout the East much needed, 49. The black slave girls of Al-Madinah, ii, 12. Value
of slave boys and eunuchs, 12. Value of galla girls, 13. Female slaves sat Meccah, 233.
The Slave Market of Meccah, 252.)
DOUGHTY, Charles. Travels in Arabia Deserta. Vol. I, p. 553. London, 1926.
FRERE, Sir B. Memorandum regarding Banians or Natives of Indian in E. Africa, Oct. 1873.
In: J. A. Saldanha (ed.). Precis on the Slave Trade in the Gulf of Oman and the Persian
Gulf 1873-1505. p. 7-13, Simla, 1906.

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