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The slave trade from the fifteenth
to the nineteenth century


HAFIZ WAHBA. (Slavery in Mecca). (The Arabian Peninsula in the 20th Century), p. 36-8.
HURGRONJE, S. Mecca in the Latter Part of the 11th Century. Leiden and London, 1931.
(On slavery and the place of slaves in Meccan society, see p. 11-15, 17-19; on Abbyssins
(Habsh), p. 13, 107, 109, 182.)

. Abd. Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, Leiden and London, 1960.
LANDON. The Domination of Commerce by Indian Merchants. Oman Since 1856. p. 131-56.
Princeton, 1967.
LA ROQUE. Voyage to Arabia the Happy by the Way of the Eastern Ocean and the Struggle
of the Red Sea, performed by the French for the First Time. A.D. 1708, 1700, 1710 etc.
London, 1726. (English translation.) On the Baniyans see p. 123-7.
NEIBAHR, M. Le Rôle des Baniyans comme Intermédiaires dans le Commerce. Description
de l'Arabie, Vol. II, 1779, p. 134.
REUBEN, Levy. Slavery. The Social Structure of Islam. Vol. I, p. 117-27. Cambridge, 1957.
RIGBY. Report on Zanzibar. Records of the Bombay Govt., No. LIX, 1861, p. 9-12.
Role of Indians in the Slave Trade. (A necessary cog in the slave trade was the Indian
Merchant since the Indians financed the Arab slave-brokers. This was especially so as
far as the trade is concerned in southern Arabia, Ethiopia, East Africa.)
SERJEANT, R. B. Forms of Plea, A Shafi'i Manual from al-Shrih. Revista degli Studi
Orientalia. (Rome), Vol. XXX, p. i-ii, 1955.
. The Portuguese off the South Arabian Coast: Hadrani Chronicles, with Yemeni and
European Accounts of Dutch Pirates off Mocha in the Seventeenth Century. Oxford, 1963.
(On Banians, see p. 32-4.)
VAN DEN BERG. Le Hadramout et les Colonies Arabes dans l'Archipel Indien. Batavia, 1866.
(See Domestiques et Esclaves, p. 46, 69-70.)

Arab Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf
AL-MUKHTAR B. AL-HASSAN B. BUTLAN (d. 455/1063), Risala ft Sharyy al-Ragig wa taglib
al-'abid. [On the qualities, uses and methods of sale of various slaves.] (In Arabic.)
BARASSIN, J. Une République Noire à Bourbon au XVIIIe Siècle. Les Marrons. 4 e Congrès
de l'Association Historique Internationale de l'Océan Indien. Saint-Denis de la Réunion,
3-9 August 1972.
CHÂTELAIN, Nicolas. De l'Immigration Africaine dans les Colonies Françaises. Saint-Denis
de la Réunion, 1882.
COLOMB, P. Slave Catching in the Indian Ocean. London, 1873. 503 p. (Still the best general
account on the subject.)
Du CASSE, André. Les Négriers ou le Trafic des Esclaves. Paris, 1938.
GAVIN, R. J. The Bartle Frère Mission to Zanzibar. The HistoricalJournal, Vol. 2, 1962.
HOLMWOOD, F. Africa and the Slave Trade. In: J. F. Elton (ed.), Travels and Researches
among the Lakes and Mountains of Eastern and Central Africa. London, 1879.
HUTCHINSON, Edevard. The Slave Trade of East Africa. London, 1874.
KELLY, J. B. The Arab Slave Trade 1800-1842. Britain and the Persian Gulf 1795-1880.
p. 411-51. Oxford and London, Oxford University Press, 1968. (An important study
based on archival sources.)

. The Attack on the Slave Trade—1842-1873. Britain and the Persian Gulf, p. 576-637.
LUGARD, F. D. The Rise of our East African Empire. London, 1893. (Reprinted, Frank
Cass, London 1968.) (Chapter VII, African Slavery; Chapter VIII, Methods of Sup-
pressing the African Slave Trade; Chapter XVIII, The Labour Supply in East Africa.)
LLOYD, Christopher. The Navy and the Slave Trade. London, 1968. (East African Slave

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