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The slave trade from the fifteenth
to the nineteenth century


LANUX, Jean Baptiste de. Mémoire sur la Traite des Esclaves à une Partys de la Coste de
l'Est de l'Isle de Madagascar (1729)—L'impression d'un Mss—Conservé au Musée
Leon Dieux, St. Denis, La Réunion, Recueil de Doc. et Trav. Inédits pour Servir à l'His-
toire des Mascareignes Françaises. October-November. 1932, p. 79-85.
LAVIGNE, R. P. Louis. La Traite dans les Parages de Madagascar [aux Comores etc.].
Ann. de la Sainte Enfance. Paris, 1868, p. 191-6.
REYNAUD, Et. Journal de Bord du Négrier'Marengo' Cape Reynaud, allant de l'Isle de
France à Sansibar et de Retour, 1804,101 p. (Original Ms.).
VIDAL (ed.). Bourbon et l'Esclavage Paris, 1847. 64 p.

Additional bibliography
CRATON, Michael; WAL VIN, James; WRIGHT, David. Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation.
Black Slaves and the British Empire. London, 1976.
EDMONDSON, L. Transatlantic Slavery and the Internationalization of Race. Caribbean
Quarterly, Vol. XX, Nos. 2 and 3, June-September 1976.
ELTIS, D. The Traffic in Slaves between the British West Indian Colonies, 1807-1833.
Econ. Hist. Rev., Vol. XXX, 1972, p. 55-64.
GOITIEN, S. D. Slaves and Slavegirls in the Cairo Geniza Records. Arabica, Vol. 9, 1962,
p. 1-20.
GREEN, William A. British Slave Emancipation : the Sugar Colonies and the Great Experi-
ment, 1830-1865. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1976.
TEMPERLV, Howard. Capitalism, Slavery and Ideology. Past and Present, No. 75, May 1977,
p. 94-118.
WHEATLEY, Paul. [Nu Pi] Slaves. Geographical Notes on Some Commodities Involved in
Sung Maritime Trade. Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Vol. 32, Part 2, No. 186, 1961, p. 54-5.


East Africa to the Persian Gulf
Few figures are available on this aspect of the slave trade and they vary greatly.
Kelly quoting nineteenth-century sources, gives the figure of 8,000 to 15,000 slaves exported
annually from the East African littoral to the southern Arabian coast and the Persian Gulf.
R. M. Colomb gives the figure of 10,000 to 20,000 slaves exported from Zanzibar to the
Persian Gulf annually.

William Wilburn {Oriental Commerce, London, 1813, Vol. I, p. 60) mentions that the prin-
cipal trade of Mozambique is slaves, of which about 10,000 are annually exported at an
average of from $40 to $50 each.

Cape Town

In 1801, 'the population of Cape Town is estimated at 6,000 whites, inclusive of the mili-
tary, and 12,000 slaves' (William Wilburn, op. cit., p. 35).

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