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310 Hugo Tolentino Dipp and Ruben Silié

TALENTINO DIPP, Hugo. La Trata de Negros en Santo Domingo. Revista Ciencia. Vol. I,
No. 3, Santo Domingo, 1975.

. Indio. Color 6 Una Categoría Social (sobre el Prejuicio de Color en Santo Domingo).
Impacto Socialista, 1975.
UTERA, Fray Cipriano. La Condición Social del Negro en la Época Colonial. Eme y Eme,
No. 17, March-April 1975.

Persons who are currently studying the subject of African
influence in the Dominican Republic

Hugo Tolentino Dipp. Is finishing the second volume of his work Raza e
Historia en Santo Domingo. Occupies the post of research professor in
the University of Santo Domingo.
Rubén Silié. Is finishing a study on fugitive slaves in the frontier region; he
also directs a study on 'anti-Haitianism' in the Dominican Republic.
Occupies the post of research professor in the University of Santo
Fadrique Lizardo. Is finishing a study on the influence of African culture in Santo
Domingo; also engaged in systematic research on general themes con-
cerning the country's folklore directly connected with African influence.
Carlos Esteban Deive. Has just started a research on slavery in the Dominican
Republic. Has also carried out studies concerning the question of popular
religiousness from the point of view of African influence on it. Occupies
the post of researcher on contract at the Dominican Museum of Mankind.

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