The Cure for All Cancers
RECIPES This is not clean enough, though. Follow with a stronger damp paper towel. This is still not clean enough; use a final d ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Baking soda has been deleted as a deodorant because ben- zene was found in many boxes (see Sources for ...
RECIPES is produced in your mouth. Your teeth will whiten noticeably in Lesson Six Before brushing teeth, floss with monofilamen ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Mouthwash A few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide added to a little water in a glass should be enou ...
RECIPES Foot Powder Use a mixture of cornstarch and zinc oxide poured into a tall salt shaker with large holes in the lid. Add l ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Other Skin Healers Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid, not the same as citric acid). Put a large pinch int ...
RECIPES softener. Be careful not to get the lotion into your eyes when applying it. A better solution is to wear a hat or stay o ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS After Shaves Vitamin C. ¼ tsp. vitamin C powder, dissolved in 1 pint water. Vegetable glycerin. Equal p ...
RECIPES Prepare wipes by cutting paper towels in quarters. Use white, unfragranced towels that are strong enough to hold up for ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Lipstick Beet root powder (see Sources) 100% vegetable glycerin Combine 1 tsp. vegetable glycerin and 1 ...
RECIPES Recipes For Household Products Floor Cleaner Use washing soda from the grocery store. You may add bo- rax and boric acid ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Ant Repellent Spray 50% white distilled vinegar on counter tops, window sills and shelves and wipe, lea ...
RECIPES bucket (about four gallons) of water and use it as the cleaning solution: Wash water Rinse water 1/3 cup borax ¼ cup gra ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Rinse the walnuts carefully, put them in the pot, and cover with the alcohol. Sprinkle on 1 tsp. vitami ...
RECIPES color, add several tsp. vitamin C, close jar tightly, and let stand 1 day. There are several ways to make a 50% grain al ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS days, pour liquid into small glass bottles. Add another ¼ tsp. vitamin C powder to the top of each befo ...
RECIPES Bowel Program Bacteria are always at the root of bowel problems, such as pain, bloating and gassiness. They can not be k ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS mum on label), extra magnesium (300 mg magnesium oxide, 2 or 3 a day), and drink a cup of hot water upo ...
RECIPES 4 level tsp. cornstarch 1 cup water Bring this to a boil and cook for about one minute. Set in the refrigerator to cool ...
THE CURE FOR ALL CANCERS Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Enema Add 1 to 4 tsp. of Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength to 1 quart o ...
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