The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Dr. J: That’s a lot of extractions for some people.
Dr. C: Yes. A mouthful of caps or crowns must be ex-
changed for dentures or partials. They should not have had
crowns put on in the first place. Of course, the hazard was not
known at that time.
Dr. J: Would you suggest different dentistry for healthy and
sick people, then?
Dr. C: I suppose we do this unconsciously, already. When
we are sick we stop our bad habits and risk taking. Later, when
we are well we return to them. But it isn’t logical. It’s only a
matter of time when we must correct our mistakes. A sick per-
son has only weeks to root out the sources of his or her body’s
infections, while those who still feel well may have years re-
maining, depending on body immunity.
Dr. J: What do you do for yourself? Do you have metal or
plastic in your mouth?
Dr. C: All my large plastic fillings became extractions. I
plan to fill the back spaces with partials. At present, there is no
filling material safe enough to keep permanently in my mouth,

These teeth with their crowns removed reveal a black surface un-
derneath and fine gray lines of further invasion of the tooth. It is in-
variably Clostridium at work.
Fig. 24 Black tooth under crown
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