Dr. C: Teeth themselves come in many styles and sizes that
the dentist or lab technician picks from a catalog. Make sure the
dentist orders loose teeth in a bag for you, not teeth set in a wax
bar (called a “card”). The wax from the bars I tested character-
istically had nine tumorigens: copper, cobalt, vanadium, malo-
nic acid, methyl malonate, maleic acid, maleic anhydride, D-
malic acid and urethane in addition to bisphenol-A, an estroge-
nizer! Or ask for your teeth in advance so you can clean them
up yourself (pay for them in advance, too, in case you lose one
down the sink). After prying them out of the wax bar, wash
with plain tap water; then dry very thoroughly until perfectly
Methacrylate teeth, called “acrylic”, bond very well with
the methacrylate denture plate or partial, still it will be tempting
for your dentist to apply “just a dab” of special adhesive. The
adhesive has tumorigens and, once again, your efforts to have
safe dentalware will be foiled. That little dab or touch-up is ex-
tremely important. Make sure no adhesive or anything else is
used to stick the teeth in their places.
The bag contains methyl methacrylate powder, very cheap when pur-
chased in bulk. The bottle contains the liquid monomer.
Fig. 31 How simple to make dental acrylic!