The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


by dropping your standard for toxic metals in your mouth to
zero! Simply remove all metal.
The debate still rages over mercury amalgam fillings. No
one disputes the extreme toxicity of mercury compounds and
mercury vapor. The ADA feels that mercury amalgam fillings
are safe because they do not vaporize or form toxic compounds
to a significant degree. Opponents cite scientific studies that
implicate mercury amalgams as disease causing. Many dentists
advocate mercury amalgam fillings simply because they are ac-
cepted by the ADA, which they believe protects them from
malpractice litigation. Why risk your health and life on their
opinions? Remember everything corrodes and everything seeps,
so dental materials must too.
Amalgams also contain copper, cobalt, and vanadium. This
combination at a steady slow trickle from our teeth, poisons the
liver, bone marrow, thyroid, thymus, spleen and parathyroids.
These organs have regulatory functions: they must regulate how
much albumin or globulin is made, how high or low the calcium
level goes, and so forth. These regulatory organs have active
centers containing iron and sulfur. Evidently the heavy metals
compete with these to knock out the regulatory center. When
these organs fail we die. We die from anemia, heart failure,
edema, uremia or sepsis, although technically it is called cancer
or AIDS.
Often mercury amalgam tooth fillings also test positive to
thallium and germanium with the Syncrometer. Inorganic ger-
manium is extremely toxic, while thallium causes leg pain, leg
weakness, and paraplegia. If you are in a wheelchair without a
very reliable diagnosis, have all the metal containing teeth re-
moved from your mouth. Don’t try to restore them. Search
carefully for tattoos. Even the tinniest speck makes the differ-
ence between getting out of the wheelchair or staying in it.
Small fillings could be cleaned out by air abrasion. Don’t refill
them until your condition improves. Ask the dentist to give you

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