It is common for dentists to recommend cold packing to re-
duce swelling after dental work. I recommend hot packing be-
cause I consider swelling less important than infection or pain,
especially if you are not on an antibiotic.
Antibiotics are too unreliable for cancer patients, with one
exception, heart disease. Here, Staphylococcus plays a major
role, and antibiotics should always be added. Typically, how-
ever, you can look forward to your jaw healing stronger than
ever, a boost of health, and no antibiotics or side effects!
Dental Aftercare, Heal The Jaw
To heal your jaw bone after dental work you need extra cal-
cium, magnesium and vitamin D. Because most supplements
are highly processed, and therefore contain trace amounts of
solvents and heavy metals, it is wiser to use the food nature in-
tended for growing bones. Namely baby food. Mother Nature
provides milk for this purpose. Goats’ milk or cows’ milk has
the extra calcium (one gram per quart) you now need. But milk
can not be consumed as it arrives from the grocery store. Many
harmful bacteria ride along from the dairy barn, through the
milk tanks and into your milk container. Salmonellas and Shi-
gellas are two very harmful bacteria always found in every milk
sample I test. Clostridium and Rhizobium are other common
types. Besides bacteria, one can find eggs of parasites, such as
tapeworms and flukes in milk. And since cheese, yogurt, ice
cream and butter are made from milk, they too are contami-
nated, in spite of pasteurization. Of course, you could test your
dairy products with a Syncrometer to try to find a good one.
But there is a simple way to correct this sanitation problem.
Boil the milk with a pinch of salt. Ten seconds is minimum.
This would not be long enough for some exceptionally hardy