The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


bacteria, but it is enough to kill the tapeworm cysts and bacteria
varieties I commonly detect. The salt raises the boiling tem-
perature just enough to kill Rhizobium leguminosarum, too,
which is extra hardy.
Milk also has traces of malonic acid, a strong metabolic in-
hibitor, and boiling does not detoxify it. It must be detoxified
with a small amount of vitamin C powder, 1/8 tsp. per pint.
This could curdle some milk, so an equal amount of baking
soda may be added first. These treatments actually improve the
Persons with anemia should buy raw milk in order to obtain
the factor, lactoferrin. Raw goat milk is best because it has
some of the same factors as shark cartilage in addition to lac-
toferrin. It must still be boiled. (More on lactoferrin and treating
milk under Clean Up Your Diet, page 117.)
Besides milk, canned salmon or other fish also have extra
calcium you need to heal dental work. It is in the bones. There
are numerous tiny bones, too small to see or taste throughout
So, to upgrade your dental health, begin by increasing your
calcium intake with milk and fish. You need one to two grams
of calcium (elemental) per day. One quart of milk has one gram.
For canned fish, read the label. Make up any deficit with a safe
calcium supplement (see Sources).
Get the extra magnesium you need from leafy green vege-
tables plus a supplement (magnesium oxide, 300 mg daily). Eat
a green vegetable every day, during and after dental work. You
may need to blend it in a blender until your dentures or partials
are ready.
There are three hazards with eating greens: pesticides, As-
caris eggs and sprays. If you are not sure whether pesticides
have been used, then only buy Swiss chard, cabbage, collards
(large leafed greens) that can be easily washed. Eat them every
day or make coleslaw or raw salad.

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