The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


The M-Family
As if avoiding metal were not enough, we must also avoid
toxic plastic. The toxins I am referring to I call the “M-Family”
and consist of malonic acid (also called malonate), methyl
malonic acid, maleic acid, maleic anhydride, and D-malic
acid. Malonic acid is widely used in organic chemical manu-
facturing^30 and most dental plastics test positive to it, too,
making it a common pollutant. Maleic acid is a component of
some bonding agents^31 (meant for bonding the plastic to the
tooth). You could be jumping from the frying pan into the fire if
you trade your amalgams for plastic that contains malonic acid
or any one of the M-family.
Malonic acid also occurs in certain foods, see page 121.
Malonic and maleic acids, seeping from composites, glass
ionomer or porcelain teeth, soon reach the tumor where me-
tabolism is then slowed down, and glutathione is used up in or-
der to detoxify them. Glutathione is critical, because without it
bacteria and viruses grow unchecked in your cells, making you
sick. (The M-Family has many other bad effects, too. See page
Wherever I observed any of the M-Family to be present,
glutathione was absent. And where all of the M-Family was ab-
sent, glutathione was present (provided heavy metals were ab-
sent, too). Evidently, glutathione sacrifices itself to detoxify the
To spare glutathione, your body has other detoxification
mechanisms. Using vitamins and minerals, your body detoxifies
malonic acid by converting it to methyl malonate. Then methyl

(^30) Common malonic acid reactions are described in many college
texts including Introduction to Organic Chemistry by Fieser and Fie-
ser or Chemistry of Organic Compounds by Carl Noller.
(^31) Skinner’s Science Of Dental Materials 9th ed., Ralph W. Phil-
lips, M.S., D.Sc., W.B. Saunders Company, 1991, p 240.

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