The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


After removing everything, get a new panoramic X-ray.
Search the X-ray for tattoos and plastic again using a hand
magnifier. Tattoos appear as tiny specks of light. Some specks
are merely artifacts from dust on the cartridge. Plastic is hard to
identify. Your dentist can tell the difference. These are very
important findings.
After searching the new X-rays, also have your mouth
searched by a dentist who uses a magnifier. I have seen that a
meticulous visual search for leftover bits of metal or plastic can
reveal some that were missed on X-ray and change a deterio-
rating trend to recovery. Just one bit!
Always keep your final X-rays. Your earlier ones are obso-
lete, of course. If your dentist refuses to give them to you, offer
to pay to have a copy made. You might want to take your copy
to another dentist to study. Even several dentists could miss
something important on your X-rays. This is not the dentists’
fault X-rays are an inadequate tool in many ways.
Choose a dentist who uses air abrasion technology for the
final cleanup of leftover traces of amalgam and plastic. Don’t
refill the holes. Only after you are well and have regained
strength and weight should you begin to plan your restorations.

If you are extremely ill,
and have little time left, but have only a few natural un-
touched teeth, extract all your teeth. Don’t bother with X-rays,
removing fillings, or finding safe materials. Get general anes-
thesia to minimize the trauma. Don’t try to “save” those few
good teeth because you risk your life missing just one unsus-
pected filling. Dentures are much safer than fillings, and a
complete set fits better than partials. (Get fitted for dentures be-
fore the extractions.)
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