them to the washroom,
washed them under the
cold faucet and dried
them. Don’t neglect this
Because there are no
safe plastic restorations
at present, your cavities
are best refilled with a
temporary material, zinc
oxide and eugenol
(ZOE) cement. It is safe
to use pure calcium hy-
droxide Ca(OH) 2 solu-
tion in the raw cavity first. It is painted over the nerve and the
open ends of the dentine; it seals the cavity.
Don’t be surprised or annoyed if a zinc oxide filling drops
out. It wasn’t meant to hold up to great pressure. Just have an-
other one put in. At least the hole doesn’t have to be made
larger and no anesthetic is needed. Your dentist will soon mas-
ter the new (in reality, old) skill.
If your dentist wishes to use additional substances like
phosphoric acid or calcium phosphate, they should be ordered
only from chemical supply companies (see Sources), dental
sources are too polluted. But so far, I have not found pollutants
in zinc oxide, eugenol, zinc phosphate or methyl methacrylate
ordered from dental supply companies. If there is no way to test
the supplies, stick with chemical supply companies.
If you have a Syncrometer, there is a way to test your pres-
ent plastic teeth to see if they really do contain copper, cobalt,
vanadium, the M-family, urethane, bisphenol-A, or scarlet red
dye. You simply get emery boards used for filing nails. Then
brush your teeth with plain water first File one of your teeth,
straight across the top and on the side. File hard. Then break the
Wash the plastic strips your dentist
plans to use.
Fig. 36 Dental strips