The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


tip of the emery board where the filing marks are and place it in
a reclosable plastic bag. Add a tsp. of filtered tap water. Test for
these toxins electronically using pure standards (like Lesson
Seven in How To Test Yourself). Do these tests in triplicate; that
is, make three emery board samples of each tooth to be sure you
are correct in identifying “bad” teeth. Don’t be surprised to find
all of them bad. Dentists regularly put a dab of plastic here and
a dab there, just to “fix them up” as an extra favor to you while
other work is being done. The toxins from all bad plastic are
accumulating in your thyroid, liver, spleen, tumor, and bone
marrow. You cannot tolerate these little “beautifications.” For-
tunately, air abrasion with baking soda removes it all in sec-
Naturally, you would not deliberately eat malonate-
containing food when you are going to a great deal of trouble to
clean it out of your teeth. Which foods are good are shown on
page 118.

Dental Rewards

After your mouth is free of metal and toxic plastic, notice
whether your sinus condition, ear-ringing, enlarged neck
glands, headache, enlarged spleen, bloated condition, knee pain,
foot pain, hip pain, dizziness, aching bones and joints improve.
Keep a small notebook to write down these improve-
ments. It will show you which symptoms came originally from
your teeth. Symptoms can come back! So go back to your den-
tist, to search for a hidden infection under one or more of your
teeth, or where your teeth once were! That infection can be the
cause of tinnitus, TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint), arthritis,
neck pain, loss of balance, and heart attacks! Most importantly,
these tooth bacteria easily find their way to your tumor. Pull
infected or dead teeth. Do not try to save them.

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