The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


body, home). The cysts will not shrink until the metal is
Getting well is the magic you can expect from removing
unnatural chemicals. To do this for your mouth, get started im-
mediately, since your dentist may need more than one day to
complete it. Get started the day you read this book! Don't wait
until the parasite program is completed.

You now have accomplished 5 things:

  1. You have killed the intestinal fluke, and all of its stages, and
    cured the cancer.

  2. You have killed all your other parasites, done the Mop Up
    program, and have yourself on a maintenance program to
    keep killing them. Your pet has been loaned to a friend.

  3. You have gotten rid of all isopropyl alcohol sources.

  4. You are attacking the causes of tumors.

  5. You have started getting well by cleaning up your dental-
    ware and eliminating bacteria, especially Clostridium. You
    have also partially eliminated copper, cobalt, vanadium,
    malonic acid, urethane, and scarlet red dye. You are meas-
    uring your progress against a list of all your symptoms.

One final tip: many dentists are now offering intravenous
(IV) treatments. Do not accept them unless you can test the IV
injectable and the IV bag for isopropyl alcohol and bacteria.
Over half of the injectables and about a tenth of the IV bags I
have tested (over 1,000) are polluted! The injectables are
bottles of vitamins or ampoules of various health factors. These
are injected into the IV bag, which contains either salt (saline)
or blood sugar (dextrose). Then it is injected into you. The
effect of any pollutant is much greater when it is injected than if
taken by mouth. You are mainlining!

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