The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


The biggest obstacle to eating natural food is time. Find a
friend who has the time to cook for you, if you are not up to it.

Or start your day with fried potatoes and an egg and glass of
milk. Don't worry about cholesterol while you are recovering.
Eat the simplest dairy products you can find, not flavored
milk, not whipped butter, not cream cheese, not kefir. Choose
milk and butter without coloring added. Always sterilize the
milk, first (page 137) and later, after cooling, add vitamin C.
Try to find raw certified milk at a health food store. It has a
special blood building factor in it, called lactoferrin. Cooking
does not destroy it but–and I can’t explain this–pasteurized va-
rieties do not contain it. If you could find goat milk, you would
also get some of the same rare and valuable factors that are
found in shark cartilage. But these factors are damaged by
heating, so count the ten seconds for boiling carefully. Milk
should be 2% or more butterfat because the calcium in milk
cannot be absorbed without at least this much fat. Eat home-
made yogurt and add honey or homemade preserves yourself.
You need 3 cups of a milk product each day. If you don't toler-
ate milk, and get diarrhea from it, try a milk digestant tablet to
go with it, or cook your milk into your foods. Start with only ¼
cup at a time. Do not choose chocolate milk.
Cheese can be used in baked dishes with vitamin C added.
Butter can be treated like milk (boiled ten seconds, then add
vitamin C).
Yogurt is not easily boiled, but it can safely be made from
boiled milk.

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