The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


It can be difficult to know which chemicals are unnatural.
This book can’t go into a long discussion of different defini-
tions of “natural” and “unnatural.” What counts for a cancer
patient is whether the immune system will be called upon to
remove something from the food you eat. Your immune system
is precious. You have (or had) 5000 white blood cells in every
little dot of blood.^39 They have the job of keeping you clear of
parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, and unnatural chemicals.
Even if the unnatural chemicals you eat do not do great harm,
they must still be removed. White blood cells that are busy re-
moving aluminum, nickel, mercury, copper, flavors, fragrance,
or even soap are not free to fight bacteria, viruses, parasites,
and fungi.
Give your immune system a chance to heal your body by
removing the burden on it: the burden of countless, frivolous
cleaning-up jobs. Clean yourself up so your immune system
does not have to.

Cook your food from scratch. Don't start with cans or pack-
ages or frozen items to make some recipe. In fact, don't bother
with any fancy recipes. Just cook two or three vegetables for
lunch and eat them with butter^40 and salt (use pure salt, see
Sources). Bread and milk rounds it out, plus fruit. Soup is a nice
change. Cook it with all the vegetables you can find that don’t
have malonate. Don't start with a packet or cube. Use a bit of
onion and genuine herbs to give it zest.

(^39) 5000 white blood cells per cubic millimeter.
(^40) Butter is our only source of butyric acid in the intestine. There is
some evidence that butyric acid favors beneficial bacteria in the
intestine! Butyric acid has been advanced as a cancer therapy; per-
haps it intervenes in isopropyl alcohol’s biochemical reactions!

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