The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


taste of such “treated” milk. And many people can tolerate
dairy products for the first time after making this change.
Of course, milk is not a plant food. How does malonic acid
get into milk? I have preliminary evidence that tapeworm stages
make malonic acid and killing these by boiling does nothing
about the malonate already present. Perhaps the vegetable mat-
ter of the feed brings it into the milk, too. More research is
needed here.
If you simply cannot tolerate dairy products, try making
cottage cheese (see Recipes). Separate the curds and whey.
Whey is a traditional, delicious beverage with all the calcium of
milk in it.
There is no substitute for milk; calcium tablets are not satis-
factory. Vegetable matter, although high in calcium, does not
give you available calcium either. Eating fish can give you a lot
of calcium, but it is in the tiny bones hidden in the fish. Don't
try to remove them. Canned salmon has a lot of calcium. On a
day that you eat fish, you would not need milk. Goats’ milk is
better for you than cows’ milk because it has beneficial factors
in it that are similar to shark cartilage and speeds up your abil-
ity to make amino acids. It needs to be boiled and vitamin C-ed,
too. Dairy products are too important to your recovery to aban-
don. But cheese varieties are too difficult to sterilize; avoid un-
baked cheese completely.

  1. Water: 2 pints. Drink one pint upon rising in the
    morning, the other pint in the afternoon sometime. The
    cold water faucet may be bringing you cadmium, copper
    or lead, but it is safer than purchased water, which usu-
    ally has solvents in it. Let it run before using it. Filters
    are rather useless because water pollution comes in
    surges. A single surge of PCB contaminates your filter.
    All the water you use after this surge is now polluted, so
    you will be getting it chronically, whereas the unfiltered

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