The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


  1. Vegetable juice: Buy a juice-maker. Start with head let-
    tuce and other broad-leafed greens. Fine-leafed greens
    cannot be washed free of spray and regularly test
    positive for benzene! If you cannot test for benzene, and
    are not sure if the greens have been sprayed, ozonate
    them. Wash greens and
    place in a plastic bag.
    Ozonate for 20 minutes.
    Rinse again in water with a
    pinch of baking soda and a
    drop of Lugol’s iodine to
    kill Ascaris eggs. Drink ½
    glass of vegetable juice a
    day. After you are
    accustomed to this, add
    other vegetables to double
    the amount. Use cabbage,
    cucumber, beet, pale
    zucchini, squash, anything
    malonate-free. But never
    anything with soft spots!
    And peel everything that has a peel. Add herbs and fruit
    for extra zest.

  2. Homemade beverage. If you will miss your coffee or
    decaf, try just plain hot water with whipping cream or
    lemon. Sweeten with honey. See Recipes for many more

Horrors In Commercial Beverages

Commercial beverages are especially toxic due to traces of
solvents left over from the manufacturing process. There are
solvents found in decaffeinated beverages, herb tea blends, car-
bonated drinks, beverages with artificial sweetener, flavored
coffee, diet and health mixes, and fruit juices, even when the

Jazz up your favorite home-
made juice with seltzer wa-
ter. It is not harmful to you.
Fig. 47 Seltzer maker
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