If you allowed a tiny drop of kerosene or carpet cleaning
fluid to get into your pet's food every day, wouldn't you expect
your pet to get sick? Why wouldn’t you expect to be sick with
these solvents in your daily food? These solvents are just tiny
amounts, but tiny amounts are nevertheless billions of mole-
cules! Your body must detoxify each molecule.
Flavors and colors for food must be extracted somehow
from the leaves or bark or beans from which they come and I
suspect benzene contaminated solvents are used for this. Until
safe methods are invented, such food should be considered un-
safe for human consumption (or pets or livestock!).
Food Preparation
Cook your food in glass, enamel, ceramic or microwavable
pots and pans. Throw away all metal ware, foil wrap, and
metal-capped salt shakers since you will never use them again.
Fig. 48 Unsafe beverages