The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


If you don't plan to fry much (only once a week), you might
keep the TeflonTM or SilverstoneTM coated fry-pan, otherwise
get an enamel coated metal pan. Stir and serve food with wood
or plastic, not metal utensils. If you have recurring urinary tract
infections, you should reduce your metal contact even further;
eat with plastic cutlery. Sturdy decorative plastic ware can be
found in hardware and camping stores. Don't drink out of styro-
foam cups (styrene is toxic). Don't eat toast (many toasters spit
tungsten all over your bread besides making benzopyrenes).
Choose baked goods sold in paper or microwavable pans, not
aluminum. Don't run your drinking water through the freezer,
fountain, or refrigerator. Don't heat your water in a coffee
maker or metal tea kettle; use a saucepan. Don't use a plastic
thermos jug—the plastic liner has lanthanides, which break up
your RNA and DNA molecules. The inside must be glass.
Why are we still using stainless steel cookware when it
contains 18% chromium and 8% nickel? Because it is rustproof
and shiny and we can't see any deterioration. But all metal
seeps! Throw those metal pots away.
Many bacteria and yeast(!) varieties have a requirement for
nickel so that their enzyme urease will work for them. Urease
attacks urea, present in all our body juices, and makes ammonia
from it. Ammonia is a utilizable nitrogen source (food) for
bacteria and yeasts. If our bodies weren't polluted with nickel,
many of our yeast invaders couldn't grow! Why do we take in
nickel and supply our bacteria and yeast? Nickel is in the soil,
where bacteria and fungi belong, too. But if we insist on keep-
ing plenty of nickel in our tissues, we have only ourselves to
blame for our invasion.
It is hard to believe that metals we handle every day in our
coinage, food and beverage containers, body products, and
home and garden products could be hazardous. Yet this has
been well studied. The real question is: why don’t we heed our
own research that we funded so dearly?

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